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Things Left Unsaid

Ketika kita tahu bahwa besok harus kembali memulai rutinitas yang sama. Bangun di pagi hari, mempersiapkan ini-itu dan menjalani kegiatan yang biasa kita lakukan. Tetapi, malam ini terjadi sesuatu. Seharusnya, esok hari tidak akan sama lagi seperti sebelumnya, bukan? Banyak sekali hal yang ingin dikatakan, pada akhirnya, hal-hal tersebut hanya menumpuk menjadi kepingan yang mungkin bisa disimpan di pojok kamar kita dan diberi label "Things Left Unsaid". Ada sesuatu yang tidak pernah bisa kita ungkapkan, meski hal tersebut benar, nyata, dan sesuai adanya. Sesuatu yang lebih baik disimpan baik-baik dan tidak perlu dibuka dan disebarluaskan. Bukan berarti hal tersebut tidak penting. Hal-hal itu seharusnya perlu diungkapkan. Tetapi, yang harus kita sadari bahwa apa yang paling penting adalah kedamaian yang bisa dirasakan bagi semua pihak. Bagi beberapa orang, hidup sudah sulit. Jangan mempersulit keadaan orang lain hanya karena kita ingin menang dengan ego. Apa yang sebenarnya t

New Year, Same Shit

If we talk about the new year, the first thing that comes to our mind is actually a new version of ourselves. Resolutions, plans, and things that we want to achieve in one year ahead. Not only that, if there are things that still remain unmarked from the year before, they would be added to the target for the next year. But, what about the things that are still unsolved? What if, we still have unfinished business? And do we have to carry those things every time and everywhere we go? New year, but the same shit, and it’s totally fine. Heavy things come to us, but that doesn’t mean everything comes harder. I mean, of course, everything gets harder. But we as a human gets stronger even more.  I thought it was easy. Of course, it was easy. Sometimes, we just like to make things more complicated than it was. We like to romanticise our sorrow and sadness. Cause that is how we celebrate. If there are no things such as happiness that can make our day brighter, then we have to turn our sorrow in

a letter for the present

Time is going on Time is so fast Future became past Everything becomes memories Three hundred sixty five days, it was not a long time, not a fast pace either That was a journey, a process, progress to be the best version of ourselves So much pain, happiness, sadness, laughter, and others feelings from human being We give and we take from others However, we got much insight from all of that and it surely will effected our lives in the future If I have a chance to show my life's recap, will be a lot of story to tell, but since I'm nobody, I choose to keep it with myself right now Cause we are all have our own story and path on our own Stay with who you are Believe on our path and sure with path you choose Be honest and be nice with ourselves And keep try to be the best version of ourselves, every single day -fir

seize every moment

we all know that there's nothing last forever everything passed by so quickly one minute you're happy and the next minute you can't even know what's going on in your life just, stop for a while and just breathe live your life to the fullest and seize every moment you have  surrounding yourself with people who love and support you in every aspect and give love to the world so you can receive kindness all of your time

small things

How the smallest thing can affect our lives The things that we thought is nothing Really can affect our path and even lead us to the big things As simple as you choose what's the bag you gonna use on the day The choice that you made may be you would regret when you see other people use it too And when you spend your worth time on nothing that made you left behind on the bus And you would just say, "If I blah blah blah" You would blame yourself, others, or maybe stuffs That shows us how the smallest thing could make a change 180 degrees That's the power, how the smallest thing could be

happy and sad at the same time

Salah satu kegiatan favoritku adalah commuting di busway malam hari dalam perjalanan pulang. Dengan begitu, aku bisa merefleksikan apa aja yang udah terjadi dalam sehari itu. Ga jarang kalo emang lagi emosional, suka nangis dadakan karna aku anak yang melankolis. Beberapa hari yang lalu, baru aja umurku bertambah. Semakin dewasa, beban dan tanggung jawab yang kita terima akan semakin besar. Dan ga lupa, semakin kita dewasa, orang tua kita juga akan semakin bertambah tua.   Sepahit apapun hal yang pernah kita alami, tetap bersyukur dan rayakan hal-hal indah yang kita dapati, meski hal itu kecil.  Karna kadang, sesuatu gaakan pernah terjadi untuk yang kedua kalinya.  Aku sangat bersyukur, aku ga punya segalanya tapi aku dikelilingi orang-orang yang baik. Orang-orang yang bisa bersikap suportif, orang-orang yang menginspirasiku untuk melakukan hanya hal yang baik, orang-orang yang membuatku bersyukur karna aku mengenal mereka. People come and go, ya namanya juga hidup. Makanya ketika ad

Rekomendasi 5 Perpustakaan Keren di Jakarta

Kalau dengar kata perpustakaan, apa sih yang langsung terlintas di benak kita? Kutu buku? Tempat membosankan? Serta macam-macam stigma lainnya yang telah mengakar di masyarakat sejak lama. Tapi, hal itu udah ga berlaku lagi kalau di zaman sekarang ini. Perpustakaan yang orang-orang anggap sebagai tempat membosankan sudah disulap menjadi tempat yang estetik, multifungsi, serta di beberapa waktu tertentu ada event yang diselenggarakan oleh pihak perpustakaan sehingga para pengunjung tidak pernah bosan untuk berkunjung. Aktivitas yang bisa kita lakukan di perpustakaan sudah sangat beragam dengan fasilitas-fasilitasnya yang mendukung. Nah, untuk kamu yang tinggal di Jakarta. Ada rekomendasi perpustakaan-perpustakaan keren yang layak banget untuk dikunjungi nih! 1. Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia gambar perpusnas Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia atau yang biasa kita kenal sebagai Perpusnas adalah salah satu perpustakaan yang dinobatkan sebagai salah satu perpustakaan tertin

ONCE Lyrics (Original Song)

ONCE Hi, peeps! This year I've tried new things, one of them is write my own song. I need improvement in every aspects. But I brave my self to just show who I am and what I'm capable of right now.  Thank you for takin a part on my journey. Lyrics There's always a first time for everything Unexpected but fascinating Small talk and limited time Turned into a deep well conversation  The wind breeze After the sun had set In a crowded field That's where we met General topic as an intro It was like stepped in a new world and new perspective Then we decided to drop by on some greasy spoon until the door was closed I knew from the beginning It wasn't me that you see Always the same  Stupidity is when I think I'm a star But I'm not Good and kind shouldn't be enough But the feelings sort of comforting to me I wish I could talk to you again  There's always a first time for everything Just like a chance, the second rarely shows up U

The One Who Drives

I thought that I don't have to fill the tank again But clearly, I have to go back to the driver's seat And still, the passenger's seats are vacant  Navigate to the new routes I don't know what comes in front of me What comes next Maybe I'll find someone new to fill the seat Even just for a short excursion I have nothing You... You are not mine even for a second Sometimes, I got tired cause I'm the one to drive But I have to Cause I had lost you before I can have you  The road is still protracted And this vehicle has to keep forward

The Usual Friday

I didn't realize that for years, I've just wasted my weekdays. I did the job just as it is, was mediocre, and got stuck in a traffic jam in the morning and during rush hour.  Those days, I've just spent my precious time but not enjoying what I'm doing. Cause I always wait for the weekend. Where I could finally see you.  I'm over the moon when it comes to Friday. Friday was always special, an unusual day, cause after Friday there would be Saturday and Sunday.  We're going to places we've never been stopped by, try what kinda food's arising, and usually ended up with deep talking and with arguments each other.  On the present day, Friday, one day of the week I always look forward to, had become a catastrophe for me. Cause I know, after Friday, you aren't be there anymore. You're not going to colour my weekends like was.  I was misunderstood. Friday is not always good.

Silver Lining

There is one well-known idiom in English, "Every cloud has a silver lining" This means that every bad situation will come with good things.  We lost something, and it didn't mean that we lost everything. Sometimes, we got something in return. Something to repay for the loss we had.  Somebody goes, and then someone new walks into our life. We lose one, but we got more. That is the silver lining, then. We blow up the sky, we are going crazy when something goes not according to plan. But we are gonna on cloud nine when the result is promising. That is the silver lining, then. You couldn't be with someone you loved, maybe the reason is that they were bad for you. Or maybe if you are together with them, you will let them down, you will leave a punch hole in their heart.  Who knows? That is a bad thing, but there will always be a silver lining.

Dear Myself

How am I gonna live tomorrow Without you by my side How am I gonna pass through the days Without your figure filling in my days My heart wasn't hurt like this before Sun wasn't shining like days before The night wasn't dark like the nights before And I don't see stars anymore When something is over is that over? Is that a real ending even if it feels not real? I don't want it to be over but it has to end And what am I supposed to do when you're not mine anymore? Don't worry, the storm has over Dear myself, you're gonna be fine just wait sit tight and see Dear myself, everything happens at least for one reason Dear myself, even if time felt like wouldn't heal, you're gonna see different versions of yourself Dear myself, when he was hurting you doesn't mean everybody would hurt you  I was too busy listening to my messy mind  Got tension, under pressure, blaming myself for everything that happened I underestimated myself Thinking that I'm no

You're on My Sleepless Nights

My sleepless nights have achieved a days streak.  I have thought that I'm letting go, but I don't know what exactly things I release. I always think that I'm okay, and turns out that's a lie. Is there any person who knows how to get rid of things, things that always haunted us, things that used to be ours, things that have never been the same as before? How to deal with all of that?  At first, I thought that our breaks were good riddance. How stupid I am! We'll never feel how bigger we love something or someone until we lost them. There is nothing between us now, but how could I miss you more than when we were together? For sure, I know there is no certain time to completely erase you from my life.